Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Doing Backflips!

I can now say my trip back to San Diego was totally worth it.  Earlier today, I got the call back from the University of San Diego and was offered the job! Its been a grueling interview process and I'd have to say, it was quite a challenging experience!

My first interview was held with the Associate Director followed by an invitation for a second interview with the staff around a conference table with a total of 9. Man, that group interview was a challenge, but I made sure to grab their attention while remaining myself.  Lastly, I had an interview with the Senior Director and then headed off to take a couple Assessment tests on a few computer applications that I had decided to just press my luck on.  What pressure I tell ya!  My references were then contacted and a day later, I got the offer.  Its truly been emotionally draining and now I'm just patiently waiting and hoping to pass my background investigation.  When filling it out, I completely forgot to add one previous address I lived at so this explains why I'm a little apprehensive.  Crossing my fingers it goes through smoothly!

Honestly, at this point I absolutely feel blessed to have been given this opportunity as we all know, it's not easy to find a job out there in this tough economy.  Knowing that USD will take care of my tuition as well as my spouse and future children is awesome! I'm sold and completely thrilled and nervous at the same time! Although my other half is still working in Texas, I'm happy he'll be flying in tomorrow night to be here for five days.  Along with his presence, he'll be flying back with large Home Depot boxes filled with more of my belongings which are just never ending and overwhelming! I've got bags and bags of clothing that I'm donating and will be picked up by the AmVet services this Friday.  If I had the time, I would totally have a garage sale because a lot of my clothes that I'm giving away are in excellent condition and most still look new!  It was hard to give up, but I just don't have the space!

My Mom has been on my back about having so much stuff and so I myself am also at a loss for words because I can't believe how many things I've actually accumulated throughout the years and kept!  No, I'm not a hoarder.  I just need more closet space. Yes, I miss having a walk-in closet and yes, I miss living on my own.  Must remind myself to Sacrifice, Be PATIENT and most especially REMAIN FOCUSED.  Good things will come at the end of this year and not to mention, to those who wait.  More updates to come!



  1. conference interview with 9 of them??
    I Congratulate you..!! :D

  2. Hi there! You have a cute blog. Im now following you.
    Hope you follow back too.

  3. nice post darling;)
    i hate interviews;(
    waiting for the next;)


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