Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hope, Ice Cream & New Beginnings.

After 7 months of rest, relaxation and one official job interview in my home away from home, I guess I can now say that I will be back on the payroll as of April 16th. So many things had been running through my mind when I got the offer like "Am I doing the right thing? Can I hack this out for a year? What if I don't like this job in the end? Am I willing to risk my Unemployment benefits awarded to me due to spousal relocation?". In all honesty, I'm going to miss being able to just do anything at whatever time I please. Its been super nice to just relax and not worry about monthly deadlines and so forth.

Yes, I've got to admit that part of me took this interview to see if I still had it and long behold, I still do *pat on the back*.  Another part of me is saying "Jen, it's time to put those grown up working woman pants back on and be willing to do a little more to make that extra $$$". As much as the hub wanted me to find a job, not just any job, but something that I would actually enjoy doing, he admitted that he liked our current situation and gave me the chance to think twice and choose to stay home. It wasn't until yesterday night after dinner that I made my final decision to go through with the job and he totally supported me despite a few disagreements as my decision would actually be postponing our move back to California by another year. His reservations were clear and very well understood, however all I could think about was doing what I could to help us pay off a good chunk of our bills while we're here. After all, our other goal is to move back to Cali to be near all our family & friends and hopefully raise a fam of our own soon.

Even though I'm able and willing to do this job, I'm a little nervous about what to expect. I know it wouldn't be a job if it wasn't challenging, but who wouldn't be nervous?  On top of that, I've got to figure out a way to ship my car from Cali to Texas. The hub and I aren't use to having only one car and I guess I know what it feels like for those I've previously worked with that had to deal with that for quite some time. So with accepting the job offer comes more adult responsibilities that I didn't think about until now. Part of me had felt bad for accepting the job and the other part was proud as it would be another opportunity to add to my resume. I've got mixed bitter-sweet feelings about my situation, however I'm looking at it in a positive light. There's just so much to be thankful for and without the support, I would be so lost.

Although I was originally suppose to begin working tomorrow, I convinced my future manager that I needed an extra week to transition and get things done so that I would be more focused bright and early on April 16th. Seriously, I've got a lot going through my mind that I couldn't think straight. You wouldn't believe how much research and dirt digging I've been trying to do on this job that I've accepted just to find a way out, but I haven't heard one darn bad thing. Silly me, I know. The previous lady who left the position was doing it for 4 years and for some reason decided to move on. I can only wonder, but  i'll definitely have some big shoes to fill as I've only heard good things about the previous employee being on top of her game. Anyhow...

With this new gig, I hope to be able to remain focused, save more money and maintain my workouts + healthy meals while gaining experience and new friends. I think this calls for a tub of ice cream! Heres to new beginnings!!!



  1. yay congrats on your new job! If the job isnt what you expect you can always find something else! don't worry too much!

    1. Thank you!!! The love is surely appreciated! XoXo

  2. Congrats! do not worry much just enjoy the journey ahead! Everything will be exciting and good things will always come along~ ^_^~

    1. Thank you Janet!!! I surely hope so!!! I've been thinking way too much about this and praying good things will come out of this ;) Appreciate the love sent ;) XoXo

  3. Congrats, Jen, on your new job. All the best. :)

  4. Hi! I nominated you for an award!

    and good luck on your new job.

    1. Aww thank you so much!!! :) I'm super thrilled!!! XoXo

  5. New jobs are definitely scary. I totally understand how hard it is stepping out of your comfort hubs and I just moved across the country and thought I was THRILLED to move, every day is still a little step outside my comfort zone.
    Best of luck with your job! And ice cream is obviously the best way to celebrate your accomplishment and sooth your fears :P

    Left brain, right brain, pug brain.

    1. Thanks Andrea! It sure is! A lot has definitely happened since I accepted the job... Good and bad. I'll definitely update my blog soon. Just need a moment of clarity really...Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment! I totally appreciate it! XoXo

  6. Way to go, Jen!!! You should be very proud of yourself! It's hard to get out there again! We're in a very similar situation! I just started my new job 1 month ago... Keep up the good work and best wishes!!!

    1. Thanks LC! It sure is hard! Congrats on your job!! I wish you all the same ;) XoXo


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