Sunday, February 19, 2012

Honored with A Liebster Award

This year has certainly started off great as I have adapted to a super healthy regimen along with the challenge of achieving a lean and toned physique. Nobody says these things would be easy, but with the discipline, motivation and courage - along with reading many of your blogs and internet articles + creating a new blog of my own has certainly been keeping me distracted from veering off to a world of unknown. Not only do I enjoy working out and maintaining this balanced diet, I enjoy and appreciate all of your company and for taking the time to read and follow along on this journey of mine.

Liebster is a German word, meaning dearest or beloved, but it can also mean favorite. The idea behind the Liebster Blog Award is that it is given to bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers in order to create new connections and bring attention to their  blogs.

With that said, many many thanks to Miss Clai Estabillo as I have been honored with the oh so wonderful Liebster Blog Award which I am ever so grateful for. Seriously, I'm touched that I was one of the chosen ones to have this passed along to me. Definitely pay her a visit and read through her posts as she simply conveys love through her inspirations that are deeply heartfelt. Its been a pleasure to get to know her through the blogosphere.

Now, as part of my duties as a Liebster Blog recipient, it's my honor to pass it along to five bloggers.

The rules are as follows:

  1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
  2. Link back to the blogger who awarded you.
  3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
  4. Reveal your top 5 blog picks.
  5. Let them know you chose them by leaving a comment on their blog.
So here comes the most difficult part of all. Narrowing down to just five blogs. I tune into so many and because I am still new to the blogosphere community and just now starting to follow along on your journeys of life, this was difficult and I apologize since I couldn't choose more! So here goes. The blogs that I have chosen are...
Thanks again to Miss Clai! Till next time... Toodles!



  1. Congratulations Jen... You deserve this award. You got a really lovely blog (and so girly). And to answer your question you left in my blog post if I was born in the UK; No, I wasn't. I moved here last year with my then-British fiance (which is now my husband).

    I'm your new follower and will visit your blog again to catch up with the updates. I think I'm too hardworking to say yes to overtimes offered. Need to catch up with my blog posts myself soon.

    1. Thanks Donah! ...And thank you for responding to my questions and following along ;) Wow, congrats on your marriage! Hope the UK is treating you both nicely!

  2. Hi girls! its great to find you both here ♥
    Jen My face already appeared on the follow list..
    cant help but jump with joy..hahaha
    I just found out that i was following anonymously..

    you deserve the award! ^_^

    1. Hello Clai! Yay! So glad to see you there!!! Thank you again so so very much!!! :D

  3. I'm following back! Congratulations on the award! Cute blog you have here, and I see you're a friend of Donah too. Loving the connection. :)

    1. Hi Cherry! Thank you so much!!! The follow back is very much appreciated!!! Yes, I'm so glad all of us are connecting!!! It's great isn't it?!? :)

  4. Thank you Jen! :) And congratulations as well. This means a lot. Thanks again! ^_^

    1. You're very welcome Meli! I'm so happy to share this award with you!!! :)

  5. OMG Thank you, Jen!!! :)I'm honored and grateful to be a part of your picks. :) I definitely accept it! Thank you again! I'm so touched! <3

    1. Ayzee, definitely well deserved! :) I'm thrilled you've accepted! *Cheers*!

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