Just recently, I decided it was time for a new do. Don't get me wrong, I love having long locks and to be quite honest, I really didn't want to cut off as much as I did (10 inches), but I felt it was just that time to hit the reset button and give my head a break. So how do I feel after all was said and done?
Well, at first, I was a bit sad and grieved for probably an hour or so until I decided to put my hair up in a bun for the first time ever! This was certainly something I couldn't even achieve when I had my thick long hair! I finally embraced my short locks and now enjoy putting my hair in a bun! My bun of choice is your good 'ol classic donut bun that I managed to master on my first attempt. The donut bun (also known as a "ballet bun") is a cute and manageable look for this fall season and throughout the year!
Here are a few tips to help you achieve that classic donut bun:
Regular bobby pins and/or Hair pin will help to keep your bun in place. |
You'll also need one of these to do the trick!
- Secure your ponytail where you'd like the bun and slide the mesh tube over it.
- Start with the ends of your hair and begin rolling the tube and hair inside down towards the base, being sure to tuck the ends in as you go.
- Finally, secure with a hair tie and some bobby pins and your good to go!
Viola! That was easy peasy! |
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